Simple solutions for complex problems

Our work

Check out some of our work here.

  1. Dutch traveling foodie

    We made the website for Dutch traveling foodie. A blogger from The Netherlands blogging about her favorite food.

  2. Celtic Hero's chatbot

    We built a Line (chat app) chatbot to track kills, boss resets and score through multiple chats and roles.

How we work

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  1. Briefing 📝

    We meet to discuss your wishes and how you plan on using your product to maximally understand it and help you get the most out of our development time.

  2. Planning 🗓

    We provide an estimate of how long we think the project will take and will cost.

  3. Design 🎨

    We create a design and/or wireframes so you can really get a feel for what the project will look like and how it will work in the end.

  4. Development 💻

    We start working! You'll be taken with us throughout the process in the form of daily/weekly stand-ups.

  5. Testing 🧪

    Testing obviously happens during development as well but it's always preferred to test once more before launching your new project!

  6. Launch 🚀

    You finally get to see your awesome new project in action with real-life traffic and users!